Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Place To Start

I've only just started to learn how to knit with a pattern. If you needed a scarf, a blanket, a pot holder, etc, I was the girl to go to.
My best friend, Riana showed me a cute knitting plushie site and she suggested I try it. At first I had my doubts, but I thought I would humour her.
As it turns out, I was able to understand the patterns -with some calling to Toronto and asking some old lady customer if she knew how to knit front to back.
I managed to make GRASS. The big one was my first go, the little one was my second. For my third I might grab some frilly yarn and make it poofy.
I will never give up my scarf knitting. There are just too many neat yarns that can be turned into something fashionable! With the scarf pictured, it's still in progress. I either need more rainbow, more blue, or another colour that was in the rainbow! It's done on circular needles, hence how it can hang from my curtain! ^-^
I've managed to succeed at following a pattern, next would be double pointed needles- knitting with more than 2!
Am I up to the challange?!

Cast On is Casting Away!

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