Sunday, September 6, 2009

Been gone such a long while

It has been a long absence. Everything in this blog has been experimetory. First, it was knitting- notice the title-, then it was my PlushKins -still in progress- and the felties, and now I introduce sock sewing!

I am guessing that's about all, since the stove is on.
I am still alive, and still sewing strong!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The doll doesn't get a name! She - due to the eyelashes I gave it- get to be called Helper!
Her neck is kind of squished and lopsided. I had to sew her right side out, due to how I sewed the legs and arms on to the front. I had a hard time flipping it inside out!
I am actually contemplating making another one! She is one of those creations that I dont like, dont dislike, but see some sort of personality in!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Lost In Translation

My friend/co-worker Gwladys make a simple pattern for me to sew to make a [voodoo] doll. I can figure out how to assemble the pieces, but when it comes to putting the doll together, I am utterly clueless!
It looks like I would just sew the arms and legs into the places, and then sew the head on...simple enough...and then you see how they fit together!
I feel like a complete dunce!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Animals Etc

I've kind of had a lack of sewivation! Nothing really coming out right, no money for new materials.
I have managed to make a beagle PlushKin for a friend of mine, to give to his girlfriend for their anniversary!
I also made a mouse to go on one of my shirts and a deformed cow PlushKin, Bessii.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I have joined the ranks of those on etsy. I placed a link on the side, but just incase, PlushKin, Etsy. Don't forget the official PlushKin site!

In the case of my evolutions, it goes bottom to the top. Some are better than others, that's to be expected. I am however really pleased with how the majority of them have turned out. From the humble beginnings of Humphrey to the most recent Ishii [made of felt], I think I might have some "talent". The only real hitch is getting myself known as a plush maker. There is a store in town, but hardly anyone goes there, that I see. It's still a possibility. I am also still planning on going to the Women's Art Festival in the summer. However, that means I should start sewing more once we move in about a week and a half. I will once again attempt to make one every 3 days. Yes, I've thought that before and then lost inspiration. I could just make doubles in other colours.

I really need to figure out a better way to market myself. I am possibly even considering swapping. If I trade this for that, this will be seen in other people's home. Their friends might question and be intrested. Yes? No?!

Does anybody still read this? Does anybody have suggestions??
Be patient, I will soon have a youtube video...simply because I can! *grin*
Have a wonderful day and start to the weekend!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I've been neglecting this for a website of my very own, PlushKinLove.
I have made some more plushes, not really from fur.
I made one for my brother for his bday, a squid for a possible Animal Crossing Hallowe'en costume, and a fish for a friend's baby.
I only wish my site was being productive. I kinda fail at this whole marketing online thing. If I get enough made however, I still plan to do the womens art festival in the summer.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009


This is Appii, he's based on Appa from Avatar the Air Bender. I made him for one of my friends.

His pocket is located on his tail.
Time to make approximately 6 hours.
Next on the PlushKin agenda is a surprise for my older brother's birthday! He wanted a critter, and its his birthday, so two birds with one stone!

Friday, March 13, 2009

The luck of the Irish

This is the hair clover I sewed!
This is my work uniform!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


This is supposed to be a panda. His name is Yii. I don't really like him.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Friday, February 13, 2009

I give you my heart

I've started semi knitting again. I tried to make hearts from MochiMochiLand.
They're not quite as good as Anna's, but I tried. I made them for the upcoming Valentine's Day -tomorrow-, but I also made them to send to friends who I think need some love. Something they can hold and cherish.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


With the help of a sewing machine, I am getting better.
I still need to get a thicker machine needle for fake fur...but the one I have now works for body parts and home things.
I am working on making a few to potentially sell at fayres and the like - hopefully it works out!

Meet Buffii....and my bin of friends {I forgot to put Arnii in}

Thursday, January 22, 2009


This is Gypsii. It was made for a friend of my dads. I don't really like her. I dont like snouts on my creatures. I can't figure out how to make teeny ones and still make them fit to be sewn on the inside.
I couldn't take a good picture, the snozz got in the way - these are curtesy of my Dad.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Thursday, January 8, 2009
