Saturday, April 18, 2009


I have joined the ranks of those on etsy. I placed a link on the side, but just incase, PlushKin, Etsy. Don't forget the official PlushKin site!

In the case of my evolutions, it goes bottom to the top. Some are better than others, that's to be expected. I am however really pleased with how the majority of them have turned out. From the humble beginnings of Humphrey to the most recent Ishii [made of felt], I think I might have some "talent". The only real hitch is getting myself known as a plush maker. There is a store in town, but hardly anyone goes there, that I see. It's still a possibility. I am also still planning on going to the Women's Art Festival in the summer. However, that means I should start sewing more once we move in about a week and a half. I will once again attempt to make one every 3 days. Yes, I've thought that before and then lost inspiration. I could just make doubles in other colours.

I really need to figure out a better way to market myself. I am possibly even considering swapping. If I trade this for that, this will be seen in other people's home. Their friends might question and be intrested. Yes? No?!

Does anybody still read this? Does anybody have suggestions??
Be patient, I will soon have a youtube video...simply because I can! *grin*
Have a wonderful day and start to the weekend!

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