Sunday, May 22, 2011

Animal Crossing - Meet Zoe.

I love the Animal Crossing games. The character on the left has one of my favourite hair styles in the game and in the colour that I like mine to have. If you have never played the game, your facial features and hair at the start are all randomly generated. I have been known to restart a few times until I look cute. Even though they are just pixels, there are some might unappealing characters.

I have been at a loss of what to make lately, so I went on Ravelry looking for "animal crossing". Nothing there caught my fancy- there was really only one to choose from (sorry). I was going to have to make my own.
Since I was making my own, I decided to try to write out the pattern.
I have done what I could, and now have 3 testers from Ravelry going to attempt it.

But wait! She doesn't have have a nose or lips!!
I never seem to add noses or lips to anything I make. Even when I doodle, they half the time my people have no noses or lips -or I just draw eyes. I always have.
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, I am assuming that my soul just wants to connect to everything that I do/make.

If you crochet, feel free to leave a message if you're willing to try a first timers pattern. I guarantee it won't be perfect, but I sure hope it's simple..even if her hair was slightly wonky to do.


Unknown said...

She's cute! How did you do her hair? It looks like one solid pink piece.

Annie said...

Her hair is basically all one piece. Crocheted a circle, added the bangs to where they would fit. Than added half circle pig tails on the back and sewed them together.