Friday, May 21, 2010

A little bit of everything.

I am still sewing, knitting, and now crocheting.
I have a little bit of everything going on all at once.
I guess it will be easiest if I put up a picture and explain a little bit about it.
However, before I go ahead with that I would like to introduce my new friend Ditzy.

Ditzy came all the way from England. She is made with love by a very nice woman, and I would like to say my new friend, Louise [aka Odd Sox].
The tutu is removable, on her chest is a VERY cute pink skull with button eyes.
If you're looking for a unique gift for someone, I suggest stopping in and sending her a message. You will not regret it.


I have taken up crocheting, and above you will see the first thing I have made without the use of a pattern -minus the hair.
You can see the full list of my yarn projects on my flickr page.
One thing about crocheting is it's *addictive*. I couldn't do it, well, I thought I couldn't do it. Than I tried. I do not think I have the patience to make a large scale project like a blanket or clothing. I am in love with making amigurumi though -japanese crocheting. I love the little toys and dolls all around me.
However, my next project will be Mary Jane slippers in soft sparkly black! :D


This is Midge. She was a quick job, but I love her. I think more of her kind will be showing up around the place.
She loves to help in the garden. Just in time for growing season.
Just as I have not forgotten about my faux fur, I have not forgotten about my sock sewing.

Smoo loves to ride around on the house pets. She thinks she's a genie.

I will try to do better about blogging about my creations.
Even if noone reads, it helps to keep in practice about talking about things that I have made.
Now, back away from the keys and pick up a broom...It's Spring...back to cleaning I shall go!
Feel free to leave a comment and follow along on my little adventures!

1 comment:

The StarFire Witch / Bald Girl said...

awe crochet is awesome. I unforuntantly am no good at it or knitting for that matter.... or else I'd crochet me a cute witch,. Keep up the great work Annie! - Jaimie-lyn