Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ch-ch-ch-Changes [sorry]

I am thinking of changing my blog layout, but I have no idea what I want it to be. As much as I love the piece of drift wood on the sand, it's been there since the beginning.
Any opinions?
If you're a random person, stumbling upon my blog, feel free to say hello, follow, share!

I am going to try to make a lion and a giraffe for 2 good friends' birthdays. They're not until August, so I have some time to do some testing. Would anyone be willing to help me test patterns?

It's grey and rainy out.
Please enjoy the pictures of my flowers on the side. With the wind, they have lost some petals.So of course these are old. I sure hope my lilies bloom soon. *sad*
Poor baby flowers!

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