Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dr. Who now?

Christmas is approaching.
I love Christmas, so don't hate me for saying the C-word before the H-word!
Don't get me started on Hallowe'en, it shall have it's own post soon enough.

Anyway, for a male friend of mine, I am making him David Tenant's Doctor Who [the 10th Doctor].
As you can see from the picture, his main body is done.
I finished the head yesterday and have started on his jacket. The jacket looks kind of funny, but I am only half way done. Here's hoping I can do it properly, or even good enough.
The pattern is for an intermediate crocheter, and I have no idea what I am. So, wish me lotsa luck!
The Pattern

The other day I was walking downtown and I saw that the cannon in the park was YarnBombed. It made my day, so I am sharing it with you.
I even emailed them some fan-mail! <3


Anonymous said...

Haha I learned a new word today, "Yarn bombed"! That is hilarious. I am going to be giggling about that for a while. I'm also going to post a link to this entry on my Twitter account. It's too funny not to share.

Thanks for commenting on my blog today. I appreciate it!

Unknown said...

Sweet! If you find any more yarn bombings I'd love to see them!

Wait, how exactly do you define a "yarn bomb"?

Annie said...

Yarn bombing is graffiti knitting, crocheting, or anything else to do with yarn.
Hopefully there will be more yarn bombs going off around my town :D
I will keep my arms peeled.

Stephanie, Thank you for putting the link on your twitter...thats how I found out about it :D

The StarFire Witch / Bald Girl said...

Loving the Doctor. Good stuff :)