Monday, November 29, 2010

Its a girl....

I can't seem to crochet without having someone or something implanted into my head.
I decided to make my friend Marie her very own "Marie" doll, based on her.
She is 6.5 inches of adorable.
I had nothing better to do on a lazy Sunday, so yesterday I made the base. Today, I tackled dressing her.
Upon attempting to make a shirt, I know I made the bust a teeeeny bit too big. She just keeps popping out all over the place.
I settled on a tank top, after my attempt at a tiny hoodie failed.
I knew I wanted to give her tiny flipflops and capri jeans, so the tank seems like it just goes.
I don't see the Real Marie in animal print, so this just adds the little bit of fun, flirty confidence -along with the feminine touch of a bow in the back belt.

Doll Marie was super fun to make. I wonder who else I could make. I know if I try to make myself, she will get wrecked. That tends to happen when I make something for myself.
I like to give what I make this works out fabulously.

It's almost Christmas, so maybe summer dressed Marie will hang out in the green house with the plants to stay warm --and safe from the kitties until Real Marie flys into town in less than a month.

...who or what should I make next!?


Manda said...

Wow! That doll has a nice rack. I wouldn't be surprised if she landed on the cover of playboy.

Annie said...

Ahaha! Amanda. It didnt look so bad when she was naked..only when trying to make clothing fit.